Correctly identify landmarks associated with local anesthesia administration.
Apply landmarks to correctly identify target sites for each anesthesia injection.
Mucobuccal fold: fold in the vestibule where the labial or buccal mucosa meets the alveolar mucosa
Crown of tooth: the anatomical area of teeth covered by enamel that is visible int he mouth after developing below the gingiva
Root contour of tooth: curve, convexity, or bulge in relation to root of tooth; varies tooth to tooth
Area of insertion: height of the mucobuccal fold above the apex of the tooth being anesthetized
Posterior Superior Alveolar
Mucobuccal fold: fold in the vestibule where the buccal mucosa meets the alveolar mucosa
Maxillary tuberosity: elevation on posterior aspects of the maxilla just posterior to the most distal molar
Zygomatic process of the maxilla: rough triangular eminence, situated at the angle of separation of the anterior, zygomatic, and orbital surfaces
Area of insertion: height of mucobuccal fold above the maxillary second molar
Middle Superior Alveolar
Mucobuccal fold above the maxillary second premolar: fold in the vestibule above the maxillary second premolar where the buccal mucosa meets the alveolar mucosa
Area of insertion: height of mucobuccal fold above the maxillary second premolar
Anterior Superior Alveolar
Mucobuccal fold: fold in the vestibule where the labial mucosa meets the alveolar mucosa
Infraorbital foramen: opening in the maxillary bone of the skull located below the infraorbital margin; transmits the infraorbital artery and vein, and the infraorbital nerve, a branch of the maxillary nerve
Area of insertion: height of mucobuccal fold between the maxillary lateral and canine
Greater Palatine
Greater palatine foramen: opening in the posterior hard palate of the greater palatine canal, which is formed between the articulation of maxillary bone and the greater palatine sulcus of palatine bone
Junction of maxillary alveolar process and palatine bone: area where the horizontal and vertical palate meet
Area of insertion: soft tissue slightly anterior to the greater palatine foramen
Maxillary central incisors
Incisive papilla: small bulge of tissue at most anterior part of the hard palate, lingual to the anterior teeth
Area of insertion: palatal mucosa just lateral to the incisive papilla (located in the midline behind the central incisors); tissue in this area is more sensitive than other palatal mucosa
Inferior Alveolar/Lingual
Coronoid notch: the greatest concavity on the anterior border of the ramus; upon injection, the thumb, finger, or mirror head should be placed here to mark the most anterior border of the injection site
Pterygomandibular raphe (vertical portion): fold of tissue that extends from junction of hard and soft palates on each side down to the mandible, just posterior to the most distal mandibular molar; stretches when the patient opens their mouth as wide as possible
Area of insertion: mucous membrane on the medial (lingual) side of the mandibular ramus, at the intersection of two lines- horizontal (height of needle insertion and vertical (anteroposterior plane of injection)
Mandibular premolars
Mucobuccal fold: fold in the vestibule where the buccal mucosa meets the alveolar mucosa
Area of insertion: mucobuccal fold at or just anterior to the mental foramen
Long Buccal
Mandibular molars
Mucobuccal fold: fold in the vestibule where the buccal mucosa meets the alveolar mucosa
Area of insertion: mucous membrane distal and buccal to the most distal molar tooth in the arch
Interdental Infiltration
Base of papilla: triangular in shape and located between two teeth; the base corresponds to a line connecting the gingival margin to the adjacent teeth
Alveolar crest: the portion of the alveolar bone extending beyond the edge of the socket, lying interproximally
Area of insertion: base of the interdental papilla adjacent to the tooth being treated